Families First: COVID-19 Constituent Service Resources
From Speaker Nancy Pelosi:
Our nation is facing one of the gravest health and economic emergencies in over 100 years. The coronavirus pandemic has had a deep impact on every aspect of American life — and bold action is required to address the health emergency, mitigate the economic damage and provide for a strong recovery. Since the beginning of the pandemic, House Democrats have focused on ensuring our nation’s response puts workers and families first: their health, their wages and their well-being. We have already passed and signed into law: • The Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act • The Families First Coronavirus Response Act • The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act I am proud to support these historic pieces of legislation that will bring urgently needed relief to families and small businesses all across this country, including in California. During this time of stress and uncertainty, every American needs to know that their government is there to support them without hesitation. This latest piece of legislation, the CARES Act, is an important step in our ongoing effort to act decisively on behalf of the American people and ensure workers and families have the resources they need today and throughout this unprecedented crisis. Here are just a few of the numerous initiatives in this historic piece of legislation that will benefit the residents of California. Transportation:
Individuals and Families Unemployment Insurance
Small Business Forgivable Loans and Grants
Student Loan Relief for Borrowers
best regards, Nancy Pelosi |