2021-2023 President - Lindsay Carlson VP of Programming - Anne Allaire VP of Community Outreach - Keely Field VP of Legislative Advocacy - Naomi Goldman VP of Membership - Sarah Kate Levy VP of Elections - Nicole Phillis VP of Organizing - Amanda Rykoff Treasurer - Kevin Taylor VP of Communications - Jeannine Wisnosky At-Large - Andrea Ambriz At-Large - Vanessa Colosio-Diaz
GRIEVANCE COMMITTEE Serena Josel, Nelly Nieblas, Jen Miner, Kimble DeLeon, and Celine Wyman
Lindsay Carlson - President
Anne Bickerton - Membership Vice President
Gail Cohen - Secretary
Keely Field - Outreach Vice President
Eeva Moore - Political Vice President, Strategy
Kathy Paspalis - Political Organizing Vice President