Heart of LA DEMOCRATIC CLUB STATEMENT ON CHARLOTTESVILLE We are distressed by the hatred and unspeakable violence that white supremacists perpetrated this past weekend in Charlottesville. Now more than ever, we must do what our president refused to do. We must speak out. We must condemn racism, bigotry, and intolerance. And we must work at every opportunity, large and small, day by day, to eradicate it. The Heart of LA Democratic Club stands with the brave activists who took great personal risks to interrupt the hate that sought to disrupt our democracy.
As we struggle to make sense of this overwhelming climate, we offer our heartfelt condolences to the family and loved ones of Heather Heyer, who was murdered on Saturday. We wish healing and recovery to all of the victims of the psychological and physical violence this past weekend. We must, and we can, do better as Americans. Together, may we chart a path toward a more just world, through love and kindness.