Christy Smith for Congress (CA-27), Maxine Waters for re-election (CA-43), Jay Chen for Congress (CA-45), Andrea Rosenthal for State Assembly (AD-39), Pilar Schiavo for State Assembly (AD-40), Rick Chavez Zbur for State Assembly (AD-51), Isaac Bryan for re-election to State Assembly (AD-55), Reggie Jones-Sawyer for re-election to State Assembly (AD-57), and Jeffrey Prang for re-election to LA County Assessor.
Los Angeles County, CA – The Heart of LA Democratic Club (HLADems), a Los Angeles County Democratic club that promotes equality and the full representation of women in local, state, and national politics, endorses Christy Smith for Congress (CA-27), Maxine Waters for re-election (CA-43), Jay Chen for Congress (CA-45), Andrea Rosenthal for State Assembly (AD-39), Pilar Schiavo for State Assembly (AD-40), Rick Chavez Zbur for State Assembly (AD-51), Isaac Bryan for re-election to State Assembly (AD-55), Reggie Jones-Sawyer for re-election to State Assembly (AD-57), and Jeffrey Prang for re-election to LA County Assessor. The club’s membership voted to endorse after the February 2, 2022 membership meeting.
HLADems Endorsement Statements:
Christy Smith
CHRISTY SMITH FOR CONGRESS (CA-27) Heart of LA Democratic Club endorses Christy Smith for Congress (CA-27). Christy will serve her community by fighting for free & fair elections, reproductive justice, climate action, public education, affordable/high-quality medical care, & an equitable economy. Christy’s candidacy was most aligned with the mission of Heart of LA Democratic Club, which is to promote the representation of feminist women in government. HLA Dems are particularly impressed with Christy’s knowledge of and commitment to the district and demonstrated a clear understanding of how to use the lessons gained in 2020 to carry the district in 2022.
MAXINE WATERS FOR CONGRESS (CA-43) Heart of LA Democratic Club endorses Maxine Waters for re-election to Congress. A powerhouse advocate for justice and equality, Representative Waters will continue to represent all of us well.
Jay Chen
JAY CHENFOR CONGRESS (CA-45) Heart of LA Democratic Club endorses Jay Chen for Congress (CA-45). With his military & small business background, Jay will work to restore integrity and accountability in Washington while advocating for affordable healthcare, small businesses, education, and equality. Combined with aforementioned attributes, HLA Dems found Mr. Chen’s progressive values a strong and compelling package for defeating Republican Michele Steele. Visit: Chenforcongress.com
Andrea Rosenthal
ANDREA ROSENTHAL OF STATE ASSEMBLY (AD-39) Heart of LA Democratic Club endorses Andrea Rosenthal for State Assembly (AD39) A longtime organizer and educator in the Antelope and Victor Valleys, Andrea will bring greater resources and attention to the needs of her community. She has demonstrated the ability to build Democratic support in a fairly purple district. Visit: AndreaforAssembly.com
Pilar Schiavo
PILAR SCHIAVO FOR STATE ASSEMBLY (AD-40) Heart of LA Democratic Club endorses Pilar Schiavo for State Assembly (AD40. A longtime community activist and organizer, Pilar will use her political courage to continue to fight for quality public education, worker's protection, and healthy communities. Ms. Schiavo has demonstrated a keen sense of how to get things done while staying true to her values. She has worked for 20 years in the labor movement, including 13 years with the California Nurses Association and National Nurses United. She fought against the Chevron plant expansion in northern California and won, and the building and trades union that was adverse to her then endorsed her now. She also had insightful views on the challenge of needing to transition to a green economy while at the same time ensuring that it will not become a poverty economy, like what has happened with gig work. Visit: PilarforCA.com
Rick Chavez Zbur
RICK CHAVEZ ZBUR FOR STATE ASSEMBLY (AD-40) Heart of LA Democratic club endorses Rick Chavez Zbur for State Assembly (AD51). Rick has a depth of experience and a breadth of understanding of issues of both statewide and local concern. From his 30-year career at Latham & Watkins to leading Equality California for the past seven years, and service on the Boards of Planned Parenthood and the organization now known as California Environmental Voters, Rick has developed the kind of expertise, connections, and familiarity with how things get done in Sacramento that will serve the constituents of Assembly District 51 very well. It is clear that he has a world-class policy mind, and will walk into the legislature with credibility and hit the ground running. HLA Dems were impressed with his commitment to transparency, plans to be accessible to and connect with constituents, as well as plans to convene several key issue advisory committees. Visit: RickChavezZbur.com
Isaac Bryan
ISAAC BRYAN FOR RE-ELECTION TO STATE ASSEMBLY (AD-55) Heart of LA Democratic Club endorses Isaac Bryan for re-election to State Assembly (AD55). Isaac is a transformational community leader and policymaker, who will continue to advocate for social equity, healthcare, housing, and criminal justice reform. Visit: IsaacBryanforCA.com
Reggie Jones-Sawyer
REGGIE JONES-SAWYER FOR RE-ELECTION TO STATE ASSEMBLY (AD-57) Heart of LA Democratic Club endorses Reggie Jones-Sawyer for re-election to State Assembly (AD57). Reggie will continue to champion forward-thinking policies that put working families first. Visit: JonesSawyerforAssembly.com
Jeffrey Prang
JEFFREY PRANG FOR RE-ELECTION TO LA COUNTY ASSESSOR Heart of LA Democratic Club endorses Jeffrey Prang for re-election for LA County Assessor. Jeffrey Prang has led the nation’s largest local public assessment agency with integrity and transparency...and will continue to provide great service to the community.
ABOUT THE ENDORSEMENT PROCESS: HLA Dems Endorsement committee considered candidates for Congress, State Assembly, and LA County Controller.
Assembly District 40 interviewed Pilar Schiavo (Annie Cho did not respond).
Assembly District 41 interviewed candidates included Louis Abramson and Rick Chavez Zbur.
Congressional District 27 interviewed candidates included Christy Smith, Ruth Luevanos, and Quaye Quartey. Andrea Rosenthal was interviewed for Assembly District 39, and Jay Chen was interviewed for Congressional District 45.
Per Club bylaws, HLA Dems brought incumbents Maxine Waters for Congressional District 43, Reggie Jones-Sawyer for Assembly District 57, Isaac Bryan for Assembly District 55, and Jeffrey Prang for LA County Assessor up for club endorsement.
All interviewed candidates filled out a detailed questionnaire and participated in a follow-up interview (virtually) with an Endorsement Recommendation Panel (“ERP”) comprised of 8 members of the club, including Board members. The ERP voted to recommend a candidate in each race, and the Elections VP presented the recommendations and general reasoning behind those recommendations to the membership at the Club’s February 2 meeting. All candidates present were invited to introduce themselves and speak for up to two minutes. Club members then voted by secret ballot using the secure ElectionBuddy platform. Candidates receiving the support of at least 60% of members voting gain the club endorsement. If no candidate receives 60% or higher on the first ballot, a second ballot is taken, dropping candidates receiving less than 20% on the first ballot. All candidates received endorsements on the first ballot.
ABOUT THE HEART OF LA DEMOCRATIC CLUB Founded in March 2017, the Heart of L.A. Democratic Club was created in recognition of the growing awareness within the Democratic Party that women should be fully and equally represented in local, state, and national politics. The Heart of L.A. Democratic Club is open to all Democrats who subscribe to the club’s goals and purposes regardless of their gender identity. The mission of the Heart of L.A. Democratic Club is to help make the Democratic Party and its elected officials responsive to, and responsible for, the needs of all people, particularly, though not exclusively, women in our community. In addition to endorsing candidates and organizing for those candidates, the Heart of L.A. Democratic Club actively participates in issues advocacy, community outreach, and voter education. The Club’s monthly meetings feature guest speakers such as Democratic elected officials and candidates, and experts in policy areas of interest to women - including reproductive justice, homelessness, voter registration, immigration, criminal justice reform and more. For more information about The Heart of LA Democratic Club, visit online: